What is Fluency?

The NRP defines fluency as the ability to read text with speed, accuracy, and proper expression (NICHHD, 2000). Fluent readers are able to focus on comprehension without directing large concentrations of cognitive processing resources to decoding words. The NRP notes that fluency is a precursor to comprehension and is frequently overlooked in classroom instruction (NICHHD, 2000). The National Assessment of Education Progress estimated 40 percent of fourth grade students in the U.S. were deficient in using proper expression and syntax in their reading and 25 percent of students read with less than 95 percent accuracy. Proper expression, syntax, and accuracy are key components of reading fluently (Daane et al., 2005).


Fluency Resources & Activities

Letter Naming Fluency Dice Game

Grade Range: PK-K

This activity will help students build automaticity in letter naming and includes both upper and lower case practice.


  • Fluency Practice Sheet

  • Dice

Page 1: Instructions

Pages 2-3: Capital Letter Practice

Pages 4-5: Lower Case Practice

Pages 6-7: Mixed Practice