Decodable Texts are books or passages that are used in beginning reading instruction. Decodable texts are carefully sequenced to progressively incorporate words that are consistent with the letter–sound relationships that have been taught to the new reader. Decodable books follow a sequenced and developmentally appropriate progression. A book is not decodable if the student has not been explicitly taught the skills covered in the decodable text. Using decodable books or passages will support students with fluent reading.
Fluency is the ability to read text with speed, accuracy, and proper expression (NICHHD, 2000). Using decodable books or texts provides students with practice in decoding words that follow the phonics lessons that have been previously taught.
What Are Decodable Texts?
Why Should We Use Decodable Books/Texts?
Decodable texts... readers in word identification.
...allow for greater application of phonics lessons. the reader’s attention to letters and sounds.
...are in a logical scope and sequence.
...discourage guessing based on pictures. accuracy be established so fluency can occur.
How do you use Decodable Texts in your classroom?
Decodable books and passages are used to help students practice reading the phonics skills that they are learning in connected text. Teachers will need to match the decodable text to the lesson that they are teaching. The goal is to have a lesson-to-text match.
Students are ready to use decodable texts when they understand that words are composed of individual speech sounds, individual letters, and spoken words are linked to written words.
A decodable text will come at the end of a phonics lesson to provide practice with the skill that was taught. The more practice they get with that phonics skill, the more fluent they will become. Here is a possible routine you can use in your classroom.
“It is only common sense that kids need to practice the transfer of what we teach them to the words they are reading in a text.”
One way to incorporate Decodable books or passages in your classroom is to follow a Decodable Text Routine. Decodable books or passages come at the end of a phonics lesson. It is a place where students get to put their new skills to practice. Each day they will be able to reread the previous decodable text and throughout the week, read more decodable texts with the same phonics pattern. Here is a handout that you can use as a reference for setting up a decodable routine with your students.
Younger Readers
Printable books and passages
Freereading Decodable Passages
Free Online Decodable Texts
University of Florida Literacy Resource Hub
Decodable Resources
Older Readers ( Grades 3+)
Ed and Mel's Decodable Adventures
Voyager Sopris Supercharged Readers
Chapter Books
High Noon Sound Out Chapter Books
Simple Words Decodable Chapter Books
Spanish Language Decodables